Level up your

Citadelle’s unique maple syrup can add that extra touch of magic to your products and set you apart from the competition.


5 kg / 4 L
11.7 lb / 1 gal


50 lb / 22 kg
17.1 L / 4.5 gal

Metal drum

Metal drum

610 lb / 277 kg
208 L / 55 gal

Bag-In-Box (tote)

2,900 lb / 1,315 kg
± 1,000 L / ± 264 gal

Our high-grade maple syrups

Our delicious maple syrups change throughout the season. It is usually clearer and less sweet in the early spring and turns darker, with a more pronounced hint of caramel, later on.

Grade A
Amber, Rich Taste

Transmittance: 50 to 74.9%
Flavour: Rich taste
Colour: Amber

Available in Premium
or Organic versions

A red and a green stylized maple leaf surrounded with the text Pure, Tasty, Natural

Grade A
Dark, Robust Taste

Transmittance: 25.9 to 49.9%
Flavour: Robust taste
Colour: Dark

Available in Premium
or Organic versions

A red and a green stylized maple leaf surrounded with the text Pure, Tasty, Natural

Grade A
Very Dark, Strong Taste

Transmittance: 0 to 24.9%
Flavour: Strong taste
Colour: Very Dark

Available in Premium
or Organic versions

A red and a green stylized maple leaf surrounded with the text Pure, Tasty, Natural

Enhance your products
with pure maple syrup!

Download our product sheet to find out how to innovate in your category.
A red stylized maple leaf surrounded by the text Pure, Tasty, and Natural.

Premium maple syrup

Coming from one of Canada’s primary natural and renewable resources, our maple syrup makes for the perfect addition to recipes. From epicurean classics to the trendiest of cocktails, it will keep your customers coming back for more.

A green stylized maple leaf surrounded by the text Pure, Tasty, Natural and Organic.

Organic maple syrup

Citadelle’s producers can easily adapt their processes to comply with strict organic production criteria. This regulates how the maple grove is maintained, how the sap is collected, and how the equipment is sanitized with certified organic products.

Available formats


5 kg / 4 L
11.7 lb / 1 gal


50 lb / 22 kg
17.1 L / 4.5 gal

Metal drum

Metal drum

610 lb / 277 kg
208 L / 55 gal

Bag-In-Box (tote)

2,900 lb / 1,315 kg
± 1,000 L / ± 264 gal

Pure Maple Syrup Concentrate

More flavour! Our unique maple concentrate is 2 ½ times more flavourful than regular maple syrup. No chemicals, no additives. Just pure maple, plain and simple.


50 lb / 22 kg
17.1 L / 4.5 gal

Metal drum

Metal drum

610 lb / 277 kg
208 L / 55 gal

Bag-in-box (tote)

2,900 lb / 1,315 kg
± 1,000 L / ± 264 gal

Tap into new business growth opportunities.

Citadelle’s 100% pure maple syrup is a healthy, nutritious, and natural way to enhance your products’ recipes. It is incredibly versatile and pairs well with a wide variety of products, from marinades to salad dressings, meats, cereal bars, granola, desserts, and everything in between. Our maple syrup is unrefined, preservative-free, and contains no additives, sugar, fructose, colouring, stabilizers, or other substances. It is also gluten-free, GMO-free, and vegan—so many reasons to make thousands of clients happy!

Baking and Desserts
Candy and chocolate
Dairy Products
Candy and chocolate
Baking and Desserts
Dairy Products

Let’s talk

Change an existing product’s recipe or launch a whole new brand with our 100% pure maple syrup! Our experts will be happy to provide you with personalized advice.